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Whether you have a new project idea, need assistance with your current website, or simply want to say hello, we’re here to chat.


How It Works

  • Welcome Email

    Send an automated yet personalized welcome email detailing the next steps, emphasizing excitement about the collaboration.

  • Initial Consultation

    A 30-minute video call or in-person meeting to discuss:
    -Client’s vision and objectives.
    -Initial project scope and deliverables.

  • Set up client access to

    -Project management tools (e.g., Trello, Asana).
    -Communication platforms (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams).

  • Introduction to the Team

    Share a brief overview of team members who’ll be working on the project, their roles, and contact details.

  • Questionnaire & Checklist

    -Website requirements.
    -Preferred designs or inspirations.
    -Content, brand guidelines, and assets.

  • Review & Confirmation:

    -Go over the filled questionnaire with the client to ensure all details are accurate. Confirm the project timeline, milestones, and deliverables.

  • Updates & Feedback Loop:

    -Establish a schedule (e.g., weekly) for progress updates, ensuring the client stays informed and involved throughout.

  • Training (if required):

    -For CMS or custom functionalities, schedule a training session for the client or their team.

  • Closing & Feedback:

    -Once the website is live, solicit feedback about the onboarding experience to refine and improve the process for future clients.